Author name: Deepti K

Aspiration Shaming

In my research with non-elite mothers in India, I used the term “aspiration shaming” (Mathew, 2018) to refer to two simultaneous emergences. Unlike in the previous generation,
non-elites in the post-liberalization decades were intensely invested in formal education and aspired for mainstream educational opportunities for their children (also see Jakimow, 2016). However, the state and the established middle-classes shamed aspiring non-elites and sought to direct them to marginalized educational spaces and trajectories.

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Reflections on the Unpredictable nature of the Field

Even after finalising and conceptualising the research framework beforehand, the field can present unforeseen challenges. It can quickly turn into an unpredictable site that may defy what one had imagined before the field visit. In such scenarios, researchers must navigate the field and explore every other avenue to carry out data collection. In this article, I share how I had to make significant adjustments to my research framework, including the research tools that I had designed for the study, since the field demanded it.

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