Other Academic Resources

India and South Asia
ACLiSA is a new academic blog anchored by scholars researching on children’s literature. Being very new, it now consists of Reading Lists, CFP information and few short book reviews of children’s literature. The team has patnered recently with University of Jadavpur to host a conference on children’s literature.
The Critical Childhoods and Youth Studies Collective (CCYSC) is a network for scholars and practitioners engaged in the field of research on and with children and youth across South Asia and beyond.
This blog was created from the perspective of Sociology students to “‘cultivate’ the sociological imagination” during the Covid induced lockdown phase. It aims to provide a wriitng space for students to express their thought.
Blog related to educational policy and statistics concerning the broad right to free and compulsory education in India, personal blog of Prof. Arun C Mehta (NIEPA).
Hindi blog on matters related to education in India.
The blog aims to ” provide a space for the building blocks that make ethnographic mansions: the notes, stories, photographs, and conversations that come out of fieldwork” which are often not written for academic journals which seek a clear direction to write so as a fill a gap in literature.
Articles tagged under education in the Roundtable India blog that discusses working towards reshaping society in the light of the Ambedkarite ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
Teacher is published by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), a not-for-profit organisation, independent of government and education systems.
Teacher Plus is a magazine aimed primarily at the schoolteacher. It is a forum within which teachers can raise their concerns, discuss ideas, and share and update their knowledge.
Across the world
- Contexts
Contexts is a quarterly magazine of the American Sociology Association which publishes research articles that are accessible for general readership.
- Diane Ravitch’s Blog
Diane Ravitch is a historian of education and a previous educational administrator who campaigns for strengthening the public education system in the US.
The Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group aims to raise the profile, perceived value and understanding of geographies of children, youth and families within academic geography and beyond.
Larry Cuban is a Professor Emeritus of Education at Stanford University, he was a high school social studies teacher (14 years), district superintendent (7 years) and university professor (20 years). This blog is a collection of his writing regarding classroom practices – historical and contemporary based primarly in US.
The Childhood and Youth Studies Network (CYS) seeks to provide a forum for researchers at all career stages studying young lives and experiences, representations of childhood and youth, and the politics of age, both at the University of Oxford, across British universities, and elsewhere.
The Hechinger Report covers inequality and innovation in education with in-depth journalism that uses research, data and stories from classrooms and campuses to show the public how education can be improved and why it matters.
Qualitative Data Analysis
- Taguette
Taguette is a open source qualitative data analysis tool. https://www.taguette.org Free Tutorials:
List of open source qualitative data analysis tools: https://guides.nyu.edu/QDA/qual
Reference and Citation Manager Tools
- Short Introduction to Reference Management: https://subjectguides.york.ac.uk/reference-management https://www.library.northwestern.edu/research/scholarly/citation-management.html
- Zotero: Zotero is a free reference manager application.
Free Tutorials: https://www.zotero.org/support/quick_start_guide
- Mendeley: Mendeley is a freely available reference manager with web-based and desktop versions.
Website: https://www.mendeley.com/
Free Tutorials: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/mendeley
- Research Rabbit: ResearchRabbit is an innovative “citation-based literature mapping tool” available online. The scope of such tool is to optimise your time searching for references as you start planning your essay, minor project, or literature review.
Website: https://www.researchrabbit.ai/
Free Tutorials: https://www.researchrabbit.ai/tipsandtricks
Academic Writing, Citation and Referencing Tutorials
- Purdue University On-campus Writing Lab: https://owl.purdue.edu/
- Academic Phrasebank: https://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
- Thesis and Dissertation Writing: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/graduate_writing/thesis_and_dissertation/getting_started.html
Multilingual Resources
Azim Premji University (Anuvada Sampada): https://anuvadasampada.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/
Currently includes Hindi and Kannada resources.
Free Archival Sources
South Asia Open Archive: https://www.jstor.org/site/south-asia-open-archives/saoa/
Archive.org: https://archive.org/
Education Data Sources
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) Digital Archives:
Policy document repository on Indian school system (Compiled by CPR India)
Let’s Talk Education – https://open.spotify.com/show/37rontVCAVDWcj3E3Dj2qu
Fresh Ed (FreshEd with Will Brehm): Created by Associate Prof. Will Brehm (IOE London) FreshEd is a weekly podcast that makes complex ideas in educational research easily understood. Five shows. Three languages https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/freshed/id1053078819
BERA UK Podcast : Podcast of British Education Research Association. www.bera.ac.uk/podcast
CCYSC Podcast Podcast of the Critical Childhood and Youth Studies Collective includes book discussions, interaction with students organisations, discussion with academics etc. https://www.theccysc.com/podcast
Let’s Talk about Sociology of Education This podcast includes interviews between Dr. Melanie Ní Dhuinn, an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education in Trinity College Dublin and leading researchers, academics, school principals, social justice activists, teachers and policy makers as they talk about the Sociology of Education in Initial Teacher Education and how it looks in day to day reality in its many forms and guises. https://audioboom.com/channels/5047940
SHCY Podcast Podcast for the Society for the History of Children and Youth. https://shcy.pinecast.co/
The Ethnography Atelier podcast The Ethnography Atelier podcast discusses research methods with qualitative researchers. We talk to guests about their experiences of conducting research in and around organizations, the challenges they faced and the understandings they gained. https://www.ethnographyatelier.org/podcast
Anthropological Airwaves The official podcast of American Anthropologist, the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association. https://www.americananthropologist.org/podcast
Economic and Political Weekly Podcast https://www.epw.in/podcasts
Sage Sociology Podcast https://journals.sagepub.com/page/soc/podcasts
New Books in South Asian Studies Interviews with Scholars of South Asia studies about their New Books by Marshall Poe. https://open.spotify.com/show/082LgAHUOvHDpLWo6BPb4I
The following is a list of journals relevant to Education studies and South Asia. The information about the journal are taken from the official websites of the journals, scholars can consult the official journal websites for more information.
Contemporary Education Dialogue (Journal) : Contemporary Education Dialogue serves as an independent open forum for researchers and practitioners to sustain a critical engagement with issues in education by engendering a reflective space that nurtures the discipline and promotes inter-disciplinary perspectives
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration: This is a quarterly journal published by the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration. It is a multi-diciplinary journal covering aspects of educational planning, administration and development.
Pariprekshya: This is a quarterly journal published by the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration and primarly publishes articles in Hindi.
Bhartiya Adhunik Shiksha: This is a Hindi journal brought out by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Teacher Education and Research and aims to address the issues of school education and teacher education in India.
Journal of Indian Education: The JIE is published by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) once in three months and provides a forum for teachers, teacher educators, educational administrators and researchers through presentation of novel ideas, critical appraisals of contemporary educational problems and views and experiences on improved educational practices
Indian Educational Review: The Indian Educational Review is a bi-annual journal, brought out by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. The journal publishes articles and researches on educational policies and practices and values material that is useful to practitioners in the contemporary times.
epiSTEME: epiSTEME is a “A Biennial Conference Series’ ‘ to review research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Science, technology and mathematics are intimately related at theoretical as well as practical and application levels. It is brought out by Homi Babha Centre for Science Education.
Journal of South Asian Studies: South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies is a refereed journal which provides a forum for scholarly research, comment and discussion on the history, society, economy, culture and international relations of the South Asian region, drawing on a range of disciplines from the humanities and social sciences
Contemporary South Asia: Contemporary South Asia seeks to address the issues of the region by presenting research and analysis which is both cross-regional and multi-disciplinary. The journal encourages the development of new perspectives on the study of South Asia from across the arts and social sciences disciplines.
South Asia Research: South Asia Research is a peer-reviewed international, multidisciplinary forum which covers the history, politics, law, economics, sociology, visual culture, languages and literature of the countries in South Asia
SAMAJ: The South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal devoted to research in the social sciences and humanities on South Asia. It specializes in the publication of comparative thematic issues as well as individual research articles, review essays, and book reviews.
Journal of South Asia Development: Journal of South Asian Development, a refereed publication, publishes articles, reviews and scholarly comment relating to all facets of development in South Asia. It includes theoretical and conceptual articles as well as more empirical studies covering both historical and contemporary issues/events.
Journals on Sociology and Anthropology of Education
Anthropology and Education Quarterly: Anthropology and Education Quaterly is a peer-reviewed journal that draws on anthropological theories and methods to examine educational processes in and out of schools, in US and international contexts. Articles rely primarily on ethnographic research to address immediate problems of practice as well as broad theoretical questions.
British Journal of Sociology of Education: British Journal of Sociology of Education is one of the most renowned international scholarly journals in the field. The journal engages with a diverse range of contemporary and emergent social theories along with a wide range of methodological approaches. Articles investigate the discursive politics of education, social stratification and mobility, the social dimensions of all aspects of pedagogy and the curriculum, and the experiences of all those involved, from the most privileged to the most disadvantaged.
Ethnography and Education: Ethnography and Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that illuminate educational practices through empirical methodologies, which prioritise the experiences and perspectives of those involved.
The journal is open to a wide range of ethnographic research that emanates from the perspectives of sociology, linguistics, history, psychology and general educational studies as well as anthropology. The journal’s priority is to support ethnographic research that involves long-term engagement with those studied in order to understand their cultures, uses multiple methods of generating data, and recognises the centrality of the researcher in the research process.
Comparative Education: Comparative Education journal publishes articles which are ‘situated’ in comparative education as a field of inquiry and it plays a leading role in the debates in that field. It provides rigorous analyses of educational phenomena, policies and developments that are of theoretical and practical importance.
British Education Research Journal: The British Educational Research Journal is an international peer reviewed journal that is interdisciplinary in approach, and includes reports of case studies, experiments and surveys, discussions of conceptual and methodological issues and of underlying assumptions in educational research, accounts of research in progress, and book reviews.