Reading Resources

We bring you readings – journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertations – that might be of interest to students of sociological and anthropological studies about India, especially, but not limited, to the field of education. Readings are organized based on year of publication.
*Please do share relevant reading materials with us by emailing us at [email protected]
Abhitha, S. J., and K. R. Kavya Krishna. “Experiences of Schooling and Studenthood: Contextualising Dalit–Bahujan Autobiographies.” Contemporary Education Dialogue (2024): 09731849241292876.
Daw, B. (2024). Glocalising Education: Reflections from an International School in Delhi, India. Journal of Research in International Education, 23(1), 75-88.
Priyam, M. (2024). Bounded aspirations and youth capacity: Interrogating public higher education in North India. South Asian History and Culture, 1–16.
Geetha, V., & Chakravarti, U. (Eds.). (2024). Dalit Counter-publics and the Classroom: A Sharmila Rege Reader (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Limaye, S., Johnstone, C., & Kayama, M. (Eds.). (2024). Disability as Diversity in India: Theory, Practice, and Lived Experience (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Mathew, L. (2024). Merit and permission: Gender, education and migration in western India. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–18.
Priyam, M., Mehta, M. G., & Vaid, D. (2024, April 9). Urban transformations, youth aspirations, and education in India. South Asian History and Culture. Advance online publication.
Harriss, J. (2024). The ‘wall’: reflections on youth aspiration, education and social mobility in India. South Asian History and Culture, 1–14.
Kannan, D., Dar, A., Duff, S. E., Sen, H., Nag, S., & Bergère, C. (2022). Childhood, youth, and identity: A roundtable conversation from the global south. Journal of Childhood Studies, 47(2), 20-31.
Mahapatra, S. K. (2024). Peer Interaction, Exclusion and School Participation: Issues of Schooling in a Tribal Village of Odisha. Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 0(0).
Bhattacharya, J. (2024, April 16). Calcutta Medical College and the Dispensaries: The Emergence of Modern Public Health in India. Preventive Medicine Research & Reviews. Advance online publication.
Alam, M. S. (2024). Beyond the Madrasa: Muslim Communities and Educational Institutes in India Today: (by Nilanjana Gupta). Journal of Education in Muslim Societies, 5(2). Retrieved from
Bhorkar, S. (2024). Unregulated Private Tutoring in India: Educational Inequalities Engendered by the “Light But Tight” National Education Policy 2020. In T. Saeed, R. Iyengar, M. A. Witenstein, & E. J. Byker (Eds.), Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia (pp. 0-0). South Asian Education Policy, Research, and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Niaz, L., & Anand, K. (2024). Populist Visions and the Issue of Exclusion: An Exploration of Educational Policy Reforms in India and Pakistan. In T. Saeed, R. Iyengar, M. A. Witenstein, & E. J. Byker (Eds.), Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia (pp. 0-0). South Asian Education Policy, Research, and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Boucher, E. (2024). Competition Exams and Topper Praise in India: A Media Case Study in Educational (In)equality. In T. Saeed, R. Iyengar, M. A. Witenstein, & E. J. Byker (Eds.), Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia (pp. 0-0). South Asian Education Policy, Research, and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Khan, K., & Sabri, T. A. (2024). Privatisation of Higher Education in India: Forms and Patterns. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, 0(0).
Bhatia, K. V., Arora, P., & Gupta, S. (2024, March 12). Edtech platforms from below: A family ethnography of marginalized communities and their digital learning post-pandemic. Learning, Media and Technology. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2024.2328693.
Deb, T. P. (2024). ‘There is No Lack of Knowledge of What Could and Should be Done…’: The Ambivalence of Special Education in Late Colonial and Postcolonial India. In The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Disability Studies (pp. 203-212). Routledge.
Thomas, J., & Kakati, K. K. (2024). Philosophy, history, and pedagogy: Unfolding Don Bosco’s preventive method in the present Indian educational landscape. International Studies in Catholic Education. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/19422539.2024.2332930.
Yunus, R. (2023). Labour Class’ Children’s Schooling in Urban India: A Sociological Account. Routledge.
Mishra, S. (2024). Higher Education Reforms: Unfulfilled Promise of Decentralization in India. In Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia: Research, Policy, and Practice (pp. 151-172). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Vaishali, & Thakur, N. (2024). Neoliberal Politics of Education Reforms in India: A Case of De Facto Privatization in University of Delhi Through NEP 2020. In Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia: Research, Policy, and Practice (pp. 173-199). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Shukla, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2024). Class in caste: Inequalities in human capital investments in children in India. International Journal of Educational Development, 106, 103004.
Abebe, T., Balagopalan, S., & Moderators. (2023). Teaching ‘global childhoods’ in Childhood Studies. Childhood, 0(0).
Acharya, S. & Robinson-Pant, A. (2022) Towards a reconceptualisation of family literacy: exploring religious literacy learning and practices in two communities in Nepal, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2022.2149241
Adinolfi, L., Bhattacharya, U., & Phyak, P. (Eds.). (2022). Multilingual Education in South Asia: At the Intersection of Policy and Practice (1st ed.). Routledge.
Afroze, J. (2022) To be respectable, to be good – aspirations of young people in the context of everyday precariousness in Bangladesh, Ethnography and Education, 17:3, 241-258, DOI:
Agrawal, A., Gupta, P. & Mondal, D. (2023) Determinants of Private Tutoring Demand in Rural India, The Journal of Development Studies, 1-25, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2023.2273798
Agarwal, Y. (2023). The making of Sikh student: Ethnographic study of a minority school in Delhi. British Journal of Religious Education, 45(1), 69-81.
Alam, A. (Ed.). (2023). Religion and Education in India (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Alexiadou, N., Holm, A., Rönnberg, L. & Carlbaum, S. (2023): Learning, unlearning and redefining teachers’ agency in international private education: a Swedish education company operating in India, Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2023.2228507
Amatullah, S. (2022). Contesting the secular school: everyday nationalism and negotiations of Muslim childhoods. Children’s Geographies, 20(6), 788-802.
Amanullah, A (2023). Education, Caste and Glocality The Politics of Ahle Hadis in India. In: A, Alam (Ed). Religion and Education in India (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Amatullah, S., & Dixit, S. (2023). Situatedness of School Choice among Muslim Students: An Intersectional Approach. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 20(2), 206–235.
Amirtham S, N., & Kumar, A. (2023). The underrepresentation of women in STEM disciplines in India: a secondary analysis. International Journal of Science Education, 1-24.
Amaral, A., & Magalhães, A. (Eds.) (2023).. Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Anamika, A. (2022). Student activism in Indian universities: A means of improving human rights awareness. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 8(2), 223–249. Retrieved from
Anand, A. (2023). Hijab Is Our Right: An Analysis of Muslim Girls’ Veil Ban Protests in India. Embodied: The Stanford Undergraduate Journal of Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2(1).
Anand, C., & Dalal, J. (2022). Schooling in the margins of the state: exploring the vicissitudes of violence. Contemporary education dialogue, 19(2), 228-255.
Ansell, N., Froerer, P., Huijsmans, R., Dungey, C. E., Dost, A. C., & Piti. (2020). Educating ’surplus population’: uses and abuses of aspiration in the rural peripheries of a globalising world. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 198(1-2), 17–38.
Arun Jain, U. (2023). From abolishing untouchability to a philosophy of liberatory education: W.E.B. du Bois and B.R. Ambedkar in dialogue (Order No. 30487631). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2827629281). Retrieved from
Athreya, A., & Goddeeris, I. (2023). Indian Authorities and Mission Schools in the Aftermath of Independence: Jesuit Education in Chotanagpur, Bihar/Jharkhand, 1947–1960. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 0(0).
Atterberry, A.L. (2023), “Return Migration, Parenting and the Subcontinent: Parents and Youths’ Perspectives of Life in India”, Bühler-Niederberger, D., Gu, X., Schwittek, J. and Kim, E. (Ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 121-135.
Babu, D. S. (2022). Mathematics and Society: Numbers and Measures in Early Modern South India.
Bali, M. (2023). Teachers’ Voices, Pedagogy and Discursive Practices in Ability Grouping Classrooms in Delhi Government Schools. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 20(1), 39-64.
Bargavi, R., & Shanmugam, K. (2023). EdTech industry in India: Revolution and challenges in the Indian market: Teaching case study. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 0(0).
Barn, R., Sandhu, D., & Mukherjee, U. (2023). Re‐imaging everyday routines and educational aspirations under COVID‐19 lockdown: Narratives of urban middle‐class children in Punjab, India. Children & Society, 37(1), 254-269.
Bashyam, S., Colomer, M., Santhanagopalan, R., Kinzler, K. D., & Woodward, A. (2023). Children’s language-based pedagogical preferences in a multilingual society. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.
Bassi. T. (2023). Educating Girls in a Sikh School. A, Alam (Ed). Religion and Education in India (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Basu, R., Roy, P., Roy, S. (2023). Inheritance of Educational Attainment: Instance of Caste Certificate in India. In: Chatterjee, T.B., Ghose, A., Roy, P. (eds) Risks and Resilience of Emerging Economies. India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore.
Basu, T. (2023). Campus Feminism and the Nation-State Women Students’ Leadership of the Anti-CAA-NRC Uprising in India. In: M. Malhotra, K.Menon, R.Johri (Eds.), The Gendered Body in South Asia: Negotiation, Resistance, Struggle. Routledge India.
Batatota, L.S. (2023) Becoming somebody: exploring aspirations and pathways to social mobility amongst youth in Sri Lanka, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2023.2205544
Batra, N. (2023) ‘We will call you madamii’: a researcher’s journey from being viewed as a madame to a madamii by children in a rural village in India, Ethnography and Education,
Batra, N. (2022). Home and School Literacy Practices of Children in a Rural Village in India: An Ethnography. PhD thesis The Open University.
Batra, P. (2023). Teacher Education in India: Virtual Capture of the “Public”. In: I. Menter (Ed). The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research, Palgrave. pp. 1061.
Baviskar, A. (2023). Decolonizing a discipline in distress: Anthropology’s pasts, present, and futures in India. American Ethnologist.
Bazaz, R. Y., & Akram, M. (2020). Background Characteristics of the Individuals Attaining Higher Education in India: A Sociological Study of Srinagar City. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(2), 252-266.
Bhan S, Panshikar A. School Readiness For Inclusive Education In Tripura, India. DCID [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 1 [cited 2023 Oct. 31];34(1):46-63. Available from:
Bhorkar, S. S. (2021). Private tutoring and mainstream education linkages in india : A political economy approach (Doctoral Thesis, University College London). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2659832558). Retrieved from
Bhorkar, S., 2023. Public Perceptions on Education Provision: The Case for Reforming India’s Unequal School System, OBSERVER RESEARCH FOUNDATION. India. Retrieved from on 31 Jul 2023. CID: 20.500.12592/65qfns.
Bhuyan, N., & Goswami, N. (2022). Of Sankardeva, Sanskrit and Saraswati: The Interplay of the Regional and the National Symbols in a School in Assam. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 19(1), 16–36.
Bilal, M. (2019). An ethnographic account of educational landscape in Pakistan: Myths, trends, and commitments. American Educational Research Journal, 56(4), 1524-1551.
Borker, H. (2023). Aspiring Inside a Girls Madrasa: Gender, Negotiation and Change. Sociological Bulletin, 72(4), 476-489.
Borooah, V. K. (2023). Caste and schooling in professional cricket in India and England. Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-17.
Boruah, P.B. and Mohanty A.K. (2023). Social Construction of EMI in India Situating EMI within the Multilingual Education Paradigm. In: R.A. Giri, A. Padwad & M.M.N. Bir (Eds.), English as a Medium of Instruction in South Asia Issues in Equity and Social Justice. Routledge.
Budhiraja, K. (2023). Infrastructures of Sociality: How Disadvantaged Students Navigate Inequity at the University Sociological Forum. 38 (1).
Caruso, M. (2023). “Native” and “colonial” objects. Changing constellations of affordances and the erosion of inherited teaching roles in colonial India. Paedagogica Historica, 1-19.
Chacko, M. A. (2020). English-educated as ‘ready-made’leaders: Re-inscribing distinction through the student police cadet project in Kerala, India. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43(4), 775-792.
Chacko, M. A. (2021). Freedoms in the khaki: gendering a ‘gender-neutral’uniform. Gender and Education, 33(1), 86-102.
Chadwin, J. (2023). The lived religious beliefs and experiences of English Hindu teenagers at home and at school. British Journal of Religious Education, 1-12.
Chand, D. (2023). (Re)-production of Caste Prejudices: Viva-Voce Examination in Higher Education in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In: D. Bhoi, H.Gorringe (Eds.). Caste in Everyday Life Experience and Affect in Indian Society. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 107-129
Chandras, J. (2023). Remote Reorientations: Teach for India Fellow Perceptions of Pedagogy and Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 20 (1),
Chauhan, A. (2023). Hundred Years of Sociology in India: Mapping the Trajectory. Sociological Bulletin, 0(0).
Choudhury, P. K., & Suresh Babu, G.S. (Eds.). (2021). Contextualising Educational Studies in India: Research, Policy and Practices. Taylor & Francis.
Costa, D. D. (2023). Writing Castelessly: Brahminical Supremacy in Education, Feminist Knowledge, and Research. Meridians, 22(2), 297-322.
Dar, A., & Kannan, D. (Eds.) (2023). Childhood and Youth in India: Engagements with Modernity (pp. 1-30). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Darwish, S., & Wotipka, C. M. (2022). Armed conflict, student achievement, and access to higher education by gender in Afghanistan, 2014–2019. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-16.
Das, S. (2023). Professional Education in India: Exploring the Gendered Dimension.In: K. Kikhi & D.R. Gautam (Eds.). Marginality in India: Perspectives of Marginalisation from the Northeast (pp. 239-258). Routledge India.
Dasgupta, A. (2023). The Feminist De-brahmanising Pedagogy of Writing. Sociological Bulletin, 72(4), 521-533.
Dassi, A., & Ruby, C. M. (2023). Madrasa Education and Muslim Women: Negotiating Modest Dressing. History and Sociology of South Asia, 0(0).
Datta, A. R. (2022). More than language: the work of an English training centre in Delhi. Third World Quarterly, 1-17.
D’Cruz, A. (2023). “Knees & Feet Together, Shoulders Back and Chest Out”1:Embodying the Hidden Curriculum through Women’s Girlhood Narratives. In: M. Malhotra, K. Menon, R.Johri (Eds.), The Gendered Body in South Asia: Negotiation, Resistance, Struggle. Routledge India.
Desai, K. (2020). Life skills as affective labour: Skilling girls with gendered enterprise. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43(4), 705-722.
Desai, K. (2022). Immaterial Precarity and Affective States of Anticipation: NGO Afterlives of Non‐Elite Young Women in Urban India. Anthropology & Education Quarterly.
Devi, Kshetrimayum Nomita (2021). Education and Socioeconomic Mobility A Study of Lois in Manipur [Doctoral Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University].
Devkota, K.R. & Hanemann, U. (2023) The role of literacy and language in the intergenerational transfer of traditional knowledge: insights from ethnographic research in Nepal, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2023.2220069
Dhungana, R. K. (2022). ‘Othering’and Violence in School: A Barrier to Sustain Peace in Nepal. Peace and Conflict Studies, 28(2), 1.
Dhuru, S., & Thapliyal, N. (2021). Global Desi?: possibilities and challenges for global citizenship education in India. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(4), 405-419.
Diwan, A., Lal, A. (2020). Social Justice Programs in Higher Education: Affirmative Action in the USA and Reservation System in India. In: Papa, R. (eds) Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education. Springer, Cham.
Donner, H. (2023). ‘The Girls are Alright’: Beauty Work and Neoliberal Regimes of Responsibility Among Young Women in Urban India. Critique of Anthropology, 43(4). [Forthcoming]
Dost, A.C. & Froerer, P.(2021). Education, Aspiration and aage badhna: The Role of Schooling in Facilitating ‘Forward Movement’ in Rural Chhattisgarh, India. Eur J Dev Res 33, 109–129
Dyakonov, S. (2023). “Propaganda Was Almost Nil”? Soviet Books and Publishing in India in the 1960s. In: C.B. Balme (Ed). Performing the Cold War in the Postcolonial World Theatre, Film, Literature and Things. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003196334.
Dyer, C., & Rajan, V. (2020). Educating South Asia’s internally migrating children. Handbook of education systems in South Asia, 1-28.
Ellis, C. (2020). Climbing the coconut tree: three South Indians use their personal memories of colonial education to influence the decolonisation of education after independence. In Decolonization (s) and Education: New Polities and New Men.Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3631674154
Ellis, C. (2020). History of Colonial Education: Key Reflections. In: Sarangapani, P., Pappu, R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore.
Ellis, C. (2021). ‘If You Cannot Feed the Body of a Child You Cannot Feed the Brain’: Education and Nutrition in Late Colonial Madras. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 44(1), 135-151.
Ellis, C. (2021). Educating future citizens: the introduction of compulsory education in the Madras Presidency in the 1920s and 1930s. Pariprekshya: A Hindi Journal of NIEPA, 28(1-2), 49-72.
Farooqi, F. (2024). Education in a ‘Ghetto’: The Paradoxes of a Muslim-Majority School. Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 9781032291413.
Finnan, C. (2022). Affective experiences and expressions in institutional context: the case of a boarding school for Indigenous students in India. Ethnography and Education, 17(3), 186-205.
Flechtner, S. (2023) The Reproduction of Inequalities through Educational Aspirations: Evidence from Teenagers in India, The Journal of Development Studies,
Froerer, P., Ansell, N., & Huijsmans, R. (2022). Sacrifice, suffering and hope: education, aspiration and young people’s affective orientations to the future. Ethnography and Education, 17(3), 179-185.
Ganapathy-Coleman, H. (2023). “Do You Know Angreji?” Economically Oppressed Parents on Education, and the Teaching and Learning of English in Schools in India. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-14.
Gangmei, D. (2023). The Crisis of Education Among Marginalised Learners in India during the Pandemic: Reneged on the Promise of Access, In: U. Pradhan, K. Valentin, M. Gupta (Eds.), Rethinking Education in the Context of Post-Pandemic South Asia Challenges and Possibilities. Routledge. ISBN: 9781032365664.
Gilbertson , A. & Dey, J. (2023). Rethinking the neighbourhood school in (post-)pandemic India: Synchronicity and segregation. In: U. Pradhan, K. Valentin, M. Gupta (Eds.), Rethinking Education in the Context of Post-Pandemic South Asia Challenges and Possibilities. Routledge. ISBN: 9781032365664.
Gooptu, S., & Mukherjee, V. (2023). Does private tuition crowd out private schooling? Evidence from India. International Journal of Educational Development, 103, 102885.
Gordon, R. (2023) ‘Your mind becomes open with education’ : exploring mothers’ aspirations for girls’ education in rural Bihar, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53:5, 837-854, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1976616
Gorur, R., Landri, P., & Normand, R. (Eds.). (2023). Rethinking Sociological Critique in Contemporary Education: Reflexive Dialogue and Prospective Inquiry. Taylor & Francis.
Groves, T. & Stapnes, T. (2023) Prefiguring a democratic state: student activism and the National Education Law in Myanmar, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2023.2195047
Gundemeda, N. (2020). Caste in Twenty First Century India: Sociological Reflections on University Students’ Perceptions in South India. Asian & African Studies (13351257), 29(1).
Gundemeda, N. (2020). Food choices and Social distinctions among University Students in Hyderabad. South Asia Research, 40(3), 344–361.
Gundemeda, N., & Krishnarao, C. (2020). Scheduled Caste children and secondary schooling: Sociological study of Andhra Pradesh. In Education and Caste in India: The Dalit Question (pp. 116-126). Routledge India.
Gupta, A. (2021). Exposing the “shadow”: an empirical scrutiny of the “shadowing process” of private tutoring in India. Educational Review, 1-17.
Gupta, A. (2022). A ‘shadow education’timescape: An empirical investigation of the temporal arrangements of private tutoring vis-à-vis formal schooling in india. British Journal of Educational Studies, 1-17.
Gupta, A. (2022). Revisiting educational advantage and social class: a Bourdieusian analysis of middle-class parents’ investment in private schooling and shadow education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1-17.
Gupta, V., Agnihotri, R.K. and Panda, M. (Eds.) (2021). Education and Inequality: Historical and Contemporary Trajectories. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan.
Hanaoka, M. (2022). Syed Ross Masood and a Japanese Model for Education, Nationalism, and Modernity in Hyderabad. History of Education Quarterly, 62(4), 418-446.
Harinath, S., & Gundemeda, N. (2021). Dalits and Choice of School: A Sociological Study of Private Schools in Telangana State. Sociological Bulletin, 70(2), 214–231.
Hayashi, M. (2023). Roles of Education in Expenditure Inequality between Urban and Rural Areas: Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. In: Ishikawa, T., Nakamura, D. (eds) Industrial Location and Vitalization of Regional Economy. Springer, Singapore.
Hebbar, N., & Kaur, R. (2021). Becoming professional, being respectable: The symbolic politics of college dressing in South India. In: F. Blaikie (Ed.). Visual and Cultural Identity Constructs of Global Youth and Young Adults (pp. 195-212). Routledge. ISBN: 9781003055822.
Henderson, E.F., Sabharwal, N.S., Thomas, A., Mansuy, J., Stewart, A., Rathee, S., Yadav, R., & Samanta, N. (2024). Gendering the Massification Generation: Higher Education Access and Choice in India (1st ed.). Routledge.
Highet, K. (2022). “She will control my son”: Navigating womanhood, English and social mobility in India. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 26(5), 648-665.
Highet, K. (2023). “RIP English”: Race, class and ‘good English’in India. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.
Highet, K. E. (2021). Becoming English speakers: a critical sociolinguistic ethnography of English, inequality and social mobility in Delhi (Doctoral dissertation, UCL (University College London)).
Iwanek, K. (2022). Endless Siege: Education and Nationalism in Vidya Bharati Schools. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780191956171 (Online), 9780192865564 (Print).
Iyer, S. C. (2020). The production of distinction : A study of classed subjectivities in an international school in provincial india [Doctoral Thesis, University of Sussex]. Retrieved from
Jain, R. (2023). Hijab Controversy: Revisiting Discourse on School Uniforms. Sociological Bulletin, 72(4), 446-461.
Jain, S. & Lall, M. (2020). Teachers’ Voices on the Impact of COVID-19 on School Education: Are Ed-Tech Companies Really the Panacea?, 18 (1), Contemporary Education Dialogue.
Jasrotia, A., & Srivastava, S. (2021). Education as the Medium of Upward Mobility: The Case of Dooms of Jammu. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 18(2), 186-201.
Jass, H. K., & Khatoon, S. (2023). Community’s Role for Marginalised Children. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 20(1), 163-170.
Jayaram, N. (2023). Recent trends in doctoral education in India. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60(5), 677-687. DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2023.2237945
Jha, S.S. (2023) The women of Miranda House: Building archival collections, digital humanities and feminist digital history, South Asian Popular Culture, 21:3,
John, M. E. (2023). Analysing the New Educational Policy in the Context of Higher Education: Where is Gender? Sociological Bulletin, 0(0).
Joshi, P. (2022) How education sector functioning is affected by political influences: perspectives from district level education officials in Nepal, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2022.2108375
Kadlak, Hemangi Suresh (2020). Interface of Caste and Occupation : Case Studies of Children of Safaikarmacharis in Higher Education in Mumbai [Doctoral Thesis, Tata Institute of Social Sciences].
Kamal, U. (2023). Does ‘Caste Matters’ in School Education: A Preliminary Study in Uttar Pradesh. Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 0(0).
Kamala, K. & Padmavathi, K. (Eds.) (2023). Education Policy and Administration on Higher Education. Delhi: Kalpaz Publications
Kannan, D. (2021). ” Children’s Work for Children”: Caste, Childhood, and Missionary Philanthropy in Colonial India. The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 14(2), 234-253. doi:10.1353/hcy.2021.0021
Kannan, D. (2022). Caste, space, and schooling in nineteenth century South India. Children’s Geographies, 1-16.
Kannan, D., & Maithreyi, R. (Eds.). (2023). Modern Schooling and Trajectories of Exclusion: Childhoods in India. Taylor & Francis.
Kanungo, P., Mohanty. S. & Thamminaina, A. (2023) Towards an improved involvement of parents in educating girls: a study on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in India, Educational Review,
Kapoor, A. (2023). Educating Lay Muslims Religious Pedagogy in Bengal. Religion and Education in India (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Karollil, M. (2023). From Education to Work: A Qualitative Cultural Psychological Study of Youth Transitions in India and the UK. Youth Voice Journal. p3-33.
Kaur, A. (2023). Peace, violence & social distance: Ethnography of an elite school in India. Cogent Education, 10(1), 2158674.
Kaur, A. P., Romana, G. S., & Vatta, K. (2023). Covid Impact on Children’s Education: A Case Study of Punjab, India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 41(10), 889-898. DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2023/v41i102241
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