Author name: sreejith

Technical Rationality

Technical rationality manifests in multiple realms of society and human action. For example, in the realm of authority and domination, rationalisation entails the substitution of traditional and charismatic authority by legal-rational authority; in the religious realm, professionalisation of priesthood and spiritual knowledge; and in the realm of law, a shift from traditional common law into codified and universally applicable modern law (Atalay, 2007).

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Apolitical Campus

This article engages with the concept of an ‘apolitical campus’ or, in other words, a campus without student politics. It provides a brief history of the process of ‘depoliticization’ from governments and university administration towards attaining ‘apolitical campuses’ in India.

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Corona, Mask and Accessing the Field: Reflections from my Fieldwork

This article is a reflection and recollection of accessing my field during the coronavirus or the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic and the ensuing “lockdown” presented a rare and scary situation for ethnographers. This article briefly presents my unique experiences as a researcher/ethnographer in the field. Toward the end of the article, I argue how ethnographers’ experiences (on the field) during the pandemic can contribute something new to methodological frameworks and theory.

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Challenges in Conducting Research in Conflict Zones: Reflections from the Field

Researching in conflict zones or even after a crisis has ended can be extremely difficult. As a researcher interacting with people and communities in the midst of  conflict I needed to proceed with caution and sensitivity. My doctoral thesis examines the effects of armed conflict on the management and operation of schools in Kashmir, as well as how state and non-state actors respond to such situations in order to mitigate the detrimental effects of armed conflict on education.

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